Fistula Treatment in Ghaziabad
Fistula Causes And Symptoms
March 13, 2019
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February 13, 2023

Piles Causes And Symptoms

If you are looking for Piles Treatment In Ghaziabad to consult in prakash medical care and get best Piles Specialist in Ghaziabad . We provide best piles treatment service in Ghaziabad with our best piles Specialist.

Types Of Piles

Piles – Piles inflamed and swollen collections of tissues in the anal area. In piles swollen collection of tissues in the anal area.

  1. Internal piles
  2. External piles

There are some basic types of piles

  1. Internal piles – internal piles are normally located between 2-4 CM above the opening of the anus
  2. External piles- external piles are outside of the anus.


   Causes OF Piles-

  1. chronic constipation
  2. chronic diarrhea
  3. lifting heavy weights
  4. pregnancy
  5. straining when passing a stool

Symptoms Of Piles

  1. In piles painful lump felt around the anus. It contains coagulated blood.
  2. In piles the area around of the anus is itchy, red, sore.
  3. In piles bright and red blood is visible after a bowel movement.

For more information Piles Doctor in Ghaziabad Visit:

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